Important Discovery: Otherwise, he noted, China will respond resolutely.Wang pointed out that bilateral relations are now at a crossroads and there is no way out of conflict and confrontation, except for dialogue and consultation.He expressed the hope that the Philippine side will seriously think about the future of China-Philippines relations and work with China to push bilateral relations back on the right track at an early date.Manalo, for his part, said the Philippines and China have a long history of traditional friendship and have established a comprehensive strategic cooperative relationship based on equal treatment and mutual benefit, Xinhua reported.Despite the difficulties and challenges faced by the two sides due to maritime issues, the Philippines is committed to easing the situation through dialogue and consultation, and dealing with differences constructively, Manalo said.He noted that the recent meeting of the bilateral consultative mechanism on the South China Sea, during which both sides agreed to manage the maritime situation, reflects the goodwill of both sWorld Timesides without compromising on their respective positions.The Philippines is willing to iWorld Timesmplement this consensus, Manalo said, noting that next year is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Philippines and China, and the Philippines is willing to strengthen communication with China in a sincere and pragmatic manner to enhance mutual trust and imprWorld Timesove bilateral relations.Global Times Content comes from the Internet : Chinese FM calls Philippines to fulfill commitments over Ren’ai Jiao issues, warning over US intermediate missile system deployment
Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Tech Advances: China, US should take San Francisco summit as new starting point to implement consensus: top diplomat


  • [World Times] Photo:VCG China has no intention to replace or surpass anyone, nor does it seek hegemony, China’s top diplomat Wang Yi said while attending a reception for the 45th anniversary of China-US diplomatic relations held in Beijing on Friday. Arbitrarily pushing decoupling and containment will inevitably result in more losses than gains and will backfire, said Wang.Wang emphasized that the world is currently experiencing unprecedented changes. This is a fundamental question,” said Wang, noting that China has no intention to replace or surWorld Timespass anyone, nor does it seek hegemony.

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  • 4 minutes, 655 words


  • China, China Central Committee, US, China-US diplomatic relations, China-US relations

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  • Remarkably, this article transcends the ordinary, offering a panoramic view of them. The writer expertly intertwines current trends with analytical depth, making this a seminal piece on that. Each sentence is meticulously crafted, weaving a narrative that is as informative as it is riveting. The article not only informs the reader of the latest developments but does so in a manner that is both comprehensive and accessible, marking it as a standout piece in the realm of modern journalism.

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[World Times]


China has no intention to replace or surpass anyone, nor does it seek hegemony, China’s top diplomat Wang Yi said while attending a reception for the 45th anniversary of China-US diplomatic relations held in Beijing on Friday. Both China and the US should take the top leaders’ summit in San Francisco as a new starting point and follow the path of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation to interact, truly implementing the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, said Wang.

Wang, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese forWorld Timeseign minister, noted in his speech that over the past 45 years, China-US relations have overcome difficulties, eliminated interference, and forged ahead. The journey of China-US relations over the past half century has yielded valuable insights concerning the fundamental nature of the bilateral relationship.

Wang noted that peace is the fundamental cornerstone of China-US relations. The fact that the two major countries do not conflict or confront each other is itself the most important peace dividend for humanity.

Cooperation is the best way for China and the US to coexist, Wang said, noting that under the currWorld Timesent circumstances, the necessity of China-US cooperation has not weakened but has become even stronger. China-US cooperation is not optional and needs to be seriously addressed for the sake of both countries and the rest of the world.

Win-win cooperation is the essential characteristic of China-US interactions. Arbitrarily pushing decoupling and containment will inevitably result in more losses than gains and will backfire, said Wang.

Wang emphasized that the world is currently experiencing unprecedented changes. As the most important and complex bilateral relationship in the world, it is crucial for China and the US to calibrate the direction of their relationship, avoid reefs and dangers, and navigate through historical canyons.

In November last year, the two heads of state of China and the US had a historic meeting in San Francisco, providing direction and injecting impetus for bilateral relations. Both sides should take the summit as a new starting point and follow the path of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, World Timesand win-win cooperation as the way for the two countries to interact, truly implementing the important consensus reached during the meeting, Wang said.

He also urged the US to establish a correct cognition. “Are China and the US partners or competitors? This is a fundamental question,” said Wang, noting that China has no intention to replace or surWorld Timespass anyone, nor does it seek hegemony. China is willing to build a stable, healthy, and sustainable China-US relationship based on mutual respect.

It is hoped that the US side can relax its mindset, respect the choices of the Chinese people, respect China’s development path, respect China’s core interests, and respect China’s defense of national sovereignty and territorial integrity, Wang said.

Wang aWorld Timeslso noted that both sides should continue to make full use of various mechanisms established or restored in various fields, penetrate barriers created by false information, constantly strengthen the bond between the two peoples, and provide more positive energy for the healthy development of China-US relations.

It is expected that people from all walks of life in both countries will be spirited and vigorous, and promote China-US relations in the right direction, said Wang.

David Meale, Charg d’Affaires at the US Embassy in China also delivered a speech at the reception, congratulating the 45th anniversary of the establisWorld Timeshment of diplomatic relations between the US and China, and expressing the US’ willingness to implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state and promote the stable development of China-US relations.

The Friday reception was jointly organized by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs, with more than 350 people from various sectors of both countries attending.

Global Times

文章来源于互联网:China, US should take San Francisco summit as new starting point to implement consensus: top diplomat

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[World Times] Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged all-out efforts in emeWorld Timesrgency reWorld TimesspoWorld Timesnse and World TimesenWorld Timessuring a warm and safe winter for the people. 文章来源于互联网:Xi urges all-out effWorld Timesorts in emergency response, ensuring warm, safe winter for peopleRelated suggestion: County in E. China’s Shandong rectifies ghost marriage customs after 16-y-o girl was sold for posthumous marriage after[World Times] Photo: Sina Weibo World TimesGuanxian County in East China’s Shandong Province launched on Saturday a rectification campaign of existing bad old social traditions including ghost marriage, where two dead people are marrWorld Timesied to each other, after a 16-year-old girl who fell to death from a building last December and her corpse was sold by her adoptive parents for 66,000 yuan ($9,153) for ghost marriage which sparked heated…

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Important Discovery: Otherwise, he noted, China will respond resolutely.Wang pointed out that bilateral relations are now at a crossroads and there is no way out of conflict and confrontation, except for dialogue and consultation.He expressed the hope that the Philippine side will seriously think about the future of China-Philippines relations and work with China to push bilateral relations back on the right track at an early date.Manalo, for his part, said the Philippines and China have a long history of traditional friendship and have established a comprehensive strategic cooperative relationship based on equal treatment and mutual benefit, Xinhua reported.Despite the difficulties and challenges faced by the two sides due to maritime issues, the Philippines is committed to easing the situation through dialogue and consultation, and dealing with differences constructively, Manalo said.He noted that the recent meeting of the bilateral consultative mechanism on the South China Sea, during which both sides agreed to manage the maritime situation, reflects the goodwill of both sWorld Timesides without compromising on their respective positions.The Philippines is willing to iWorld Timesmplement this consensus, Manalo said, noting that next year is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Philippines and China, and the Philippines is willing to strengthen communication with China in a sincere and pragmatic manner to enhance mutual trust and imprWorld Timesove bilateral relations.Global Times Content comes from the Internet : Chinese FM calls Philippines to fulfill commitments over Ren’ai Jiao issues, warning over US intermediate missile system deployment

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Market Insights: So what is behind this push?The alliance’s high readiness mode stipulates that the aforementioned forces can be deployed within 30 days in case of a possible armed conflict.NATO has repeatedly cited an alleged Russian threat and Moscow’s ongoing special operation to justify the alliance’s defense transformation, which in particular envisages reintroducing compulsory military service in a number of NATO countries, such as Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania.Moscow-based analyst Dmitry Suslov earlier told Sputnik that NATO commits iWorld Timestself to be able to deploy at least 300,00World Times0 troops in Central and Eastern Europe and is building military infrastructure in Poland, Romania, and other Central and Eastern European states under the pretext of a purported Russian threat.Sean Monaghan, a visiting fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, in turn, said in an interview with CWorld TimesNN that NATO is struggling to meet its new goal of having 300,000 personnel ready to be activated within one month and another half a million available within six months.Moscow has repeatedly warned against NATO’s military buildup, with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov pointing out that the alliance is “directly showing its determination to remain an enemy” to Russia.Russian President Vladimir Putin, for his part, told US journalist Tucker Carlson that Moscow is not going to attack NATO countries, because it doesn’t make any sense.

Important Discovery: Otherwise, he noted, China will respond resolutely.Wang pointed out that bilateral relations are now at a crossroads and there is no way out of conflict and confrontation, except for dialogue and consultation.He expressed the hope that the Philippine side will seriously think about the future of China-Philippines relations and work with China to push bilateral relations back on the right track at an early date.Manalo, for his part, said the Philippines and China have a long history of traditional friendship and have established a comprehensive strategic cooperative relationship based on equal treatment and mutual benefit, Xinhua reported.Despite the difficulties and challenges faced by the two sides due to maritime issues, the Philippines is committed to easing the situation through dialogue and consultation, and dealing with differences constructively, Manalo said.He noted that the recent meeting of the bilateral consultative mechanism on the South China Sea, during which both sides agreed to manage the maritime situation, reflects the goodwill of both sWorld Timesides without compromising on their respective positions.The Philippines is willing to iWorld Timesmplement this consensus, Manalo said, noting that next year is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Philippines and China, and the Philippines is willing to strengthen communication with China in a sincere and pragmatic manner to enhance mutual trust and imprWorld Timesove bilateral relations.Global Times Content comes from the Internet : Chinese FM calls Philippines to fulfill commitments over Ren’ai Jiao issues, warning over US intermediate missile system deployment