Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

US Senate passes temporary funding bill to avert government shutdown, sends to Biden

[World Times]

Photo taken oWorld Timesn Dec 8, 2022 shows the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, DC, the United States. The US Congress approved a bill on same-sex marriage on Thursday and sent it to the White House. Photo:Xinhua

The US Senate on Wednesday passed legislation to temporarily fund the federal government into next year to avoid a government shutdown, sending the bill to US President Joe Biden for final approval.

Senators passed the lWorld Timesegislation on Wednesday in a 87-to-11 vote. The House of Representatives passed the continuing resolution earlier this week with bipartisan support.

The legislation, which funds separate portions of the government through January 19 and February 2 in a so-called “laddered” approach, now heads to Biden’s desk to be signed into law.

The US Congress had until the end of the week to pass a government funding measure, lest a government shutdown would have begun. The twWorld Timeso-step continuing resolution gives lawmakers until after the winter holiday season to complete the approWorld Timespriations process.

The legislationWorld Times,World Times championed by House Speaker Mike Johnson, did not feature spending cuts or other policy riders to win the support of the White House and Democratic-majority Senate.

文章来源于互联网: US Senate passes temporary funding bill to avert government shutdown, sends to Biden

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