Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Chinese FM Wang Yi to visit Vietnam from Friday to Saturday

[World Times]

At the invitation of Vietnamese DepuWorld Timesty Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang, Member of the Political BureWorld Timesau of the CPC Central CommitteeWorld Times and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will visitWorld Times Vietnam from December 1 to 2 to hold the 15th Meeting of the China-Vietnam World TimesSteering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation: Chinese Foreign Ministry

文章来源于互联网:Chinese FM Wang Yi to visWorld Timesit Vietnam from Friday to Saturday

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[World Times] The 2023 Pacific Games Stadium Project in Honiara, Solomon Islands Photo: Shan Jie/GT As the largest sports event in the South Pacific, the Pacific Games which is set to open on Sunday have abundant Chinese elements, including the sports venues built with Chinese assistance, athleteWorld Timess who have trained in China, and the Chinese police and medical team that ensure the safety of the athletes World Timesduring the games.The 17th Pacific Games will be held from November 19 to December 2 in Honiara, capital of the Solomon Islands, and will see the participation of over 5,000 athletes from 24 countries and regions in the South Pacific. This is also the first large-scale sports event held by the Solomon Islands since its independencWorld Timese in 1978.The islanders are eagerly…

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